inSCADA is a web-based SCADA software development platform developed using current technologies. Development activities are carried out not through a desktop IDE, but with the tools offered to developers via the web interface. There is no need for compilation and deployment actions. You can carry out all your development activities uninterruptedly during runtime.
Deploy and compile to run applications on the inSCADA platform does not require operations. All configuration and programming activities are done at runtime. Configuration and programming inputs are passed through powerful validation and restriction mechanisms. Developers crash (software crash) It does not allow it to create accidental configuration and programming entries that may cause
You can run the entire development process at runtime, without the need to deploy and compile.
Real-Time Application Development

The inSCADA platform allows multiple users to access the system from anywhere at the same time with its web access feature. In addition, it has a service-based infrastructure and a mechanism that can be managed with services. Every operation performed by an inSCADA developer is a service call. This makes it an automatic manageable application. inSCADA web services can share data with applications such as ERP, EAM or can be fully integrated with them.
All users can access the system remotely and, thanks to its service-based infrastructure, it can be managed automatically and fully integrated with other applications.
Web Access and Services
Thanks to its web-based architecture, the inSCADA platform allows multiple developers to develop applications on the platform at the same time. In this way, the development and commissioning of your large-scale applications will be shortened and your productivity will increase. With the chat feature, the collaboration of team members on the platform is increased.
Teamwork and Chat

Increase your productivity by allowing your team to work on your project and develop applications simultaneously.
inSCADA hosts the default communication tables of many industrial devices (such as Flowcomputer, Gas Chromotograph, Protection Relay) used in the market. All you have to do to communicate with the devices is to choose the one you need. You don't have to worry about the existence of devices that are configured outside of their standards. You can also add them to your library.
You can easily host all your devices on your system with rich content and a library support that is open to customization.
Device Library
Deploy and compile to run applications on the inSCADA platform does not require operations. All configuration and programming activities are done at runtime. Configuration and programming inputs are passed through powerful validation and restriction mechanisms. Developers crash (software crash) It does not allow it to create accidental configuration and programming entries that may cause
You can run the entire development process at runtime, without the need to deploy and compile.
Real-Time Application Development

The latest version of inSCADA includes the following communication protocols.
Modbus TCP Client,
Modbus UDP Client,
Modbus RTU MasterOver TCP,
Modbus TCP Server,
Modbus UDP Server,
Modbus RTU Slave Over TCP,
DNP3 Client/Master,
DNP3 Outstation/Slave,
IEC 60870-5-104 Master,
Siemens S7,
MQTT Subscriber/Publisher,
OPC DA Client,
OPC UA Client,
Ethernet IP
inSCADA contains many commonly used communication protocols. In addition, communication protocols required by our customers can be added to the platform in line with their demands.
Communication Protocols

You can work on more than one project at the same time on the inSCADA platform. You can create, edit, and run as many projects as you want at runtime. In your central SCADA applications, you can create your systems and facilities at each remote location as separate projects, and clone your projects for similar systems and facilities.
Working on Multiple Projects at the Same Time

By grouping the systems and facilities as different projects, you can carry out all activities such as development, monitoring and reporting without interruption.
The inSCADA platform can visualize the desired values and mimic displays of your projects on the geographical map, where you enter the location information. For this, it can be integrated with your existing GIS system or with free online map services (such as google-maps, bing-maps).
Projects Map

You can view and manage all your projects in detail with a customizable map support.
Data recording methods with classical querying can cause thousands of worthless data to be stored from tens of devices and your network traffic to be busy. This increases your data storage and GSM/GPRS based transmission costs. InSCADA, on the other hand, uses the method of updating data by exception, apart from the classical method of updating data by polling. It has been developed to save and update your inSCADA data when it changes (when changed), goes out of the specified threshold values, or depending on any defined event.
Intelligent Data Collection

With the smart data logging feature, get rid of the network traffic that will create unnecessary data and the subsequent storage and transmission costs.
You can send SMS, E-Mail, Whatsapp, Slack messages to users from the inSCADA Platform. You can configure alarms to send user actions as automatic messages.

Notification Services
Using notification services, you can send SMS, E-Mail, WhatsApp, Slack messages.
You can connect the IP cameras in your facility on the inSCADA Platform and place the images on your mimic screens.
In this way, you will make the monitoring and control capabilities of your camera images and mimic screens more effective.
You can add and monitor the IP Cameras in your facility to the inSCADA platform. You can place IP camera images on your mimic screens.
IP Camera

inSCADA Platform is a web application with an embedded web server. It is run as a service on the operating system it is installed on. The interface of the platform is accessed via a browser and access is provided over HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
HTTPS protocol can be secured with TLS/SSL certificates that users create themselves.
User logins; It can be made more secure by sending one-time passwords to users via SMS/MAIL.
inSCADA user logins are secured with OTP (One Time Password). Supports HTTPS, TLS/SSL certification.

The inSCADA platform allows the use of known and most used reporting tools (such as Crystal Report, Jasper Report, Excel), and independently of these, hourly, daily, monthly and monthly annual reports that may be needed in a facility, no programming and compilation information. It allows you to create instantly without the need for
Instant Report Generation

You can perform all the reporting operations you need in a short time with a user-friendly interface that does not require any programming knowledge.
The inSCADA platform allows you to create flexible configuration forms for your scripts/expressions. In this way, you do not have to re-edit your script/expression every time it is used. It will be enough to change your parameters on the form you created. This is also a more user-friendly method for editors other than the developer.

By creating script/expression forms, control your parameters every time you use them without having to edit the code.
inSCADA can exchange data with QR Code. In this way, the safe change of the values that the operators need to change periodically and locally, and data transfer to the system is provided. In this way, operators complete these operations in a much shorter time and without the risk of error.

Secure Data Transfer with QR Code
By using the QR code, you can ensure the local transfer of your data safely and quickly, without any errors.
inSCADA can be integrated with all programming technologies thanks to its restFul feature.
Using inSCADA restAPIs, developers can develop new interfaces and customized SCADA packages in any programming language (such as Visual Studio C#, C+, VB, Java, Python, R, SCALA).

Manufacturers can quickly develop their own SCADA software and repackage it for customers.
inSCADA visualizes the digital twin of your facility or mimic displays of your application in SVG format. Developers and designers can make screen designs using widely used design tools and instantly upload them to the platform. Thanks to the use of SVG format, your screens become vectorial. You don't need to create new objects for every different state of the objects you use on your screens. inSCADA allows you to apply the animation effect you want to all objects on the mimic screens you prepare.
You can prepare the mimic screens of your applications in SVG format with any design tool and use them instantly.
Vector Visualization

On the inSCADA Platform, you can create faceplates of devices, equipment, instruments or systems in your facility. These faceplates can be made parametric in the structure you want and mimic pages can be used.
Thus, you do not need to design and configure many times for similar devices in your facility.
It allows you to design parametric faceplates that can be used over and over on your mimic displays on the inSCADA Platform.